Festa dos Tabuleiros 2023
Design for a centenary festival held in Tomar, Portugal every 4 years
The Festival of the Trays takes place in the city of Tomar every four years, presents a unique model in the context of the festivities in honour of the Holy Spirit that take place on Pentecost, the central date of the Christian calendar. The distinctive elements are related to the format of the offerings, the Trays, which represent the fulfilment of promises to the Divine, constituting one of its central symbolic aspects.
The Festival involves the participation of all parishes of the municipality since 1950. As a collective act, the festival is today carried out by the inhabitants of the municipality and its commuters and regulars, the descendants who migrated to other parts of the region, the country or abroad who return during the festive period and temporarily reconstitute the group of residents and families.
For the 2023 festivity we were invited by the Festival Central Commission to create this year identity with the support of Homem Bala studio, who have created the illustrations and the comercial spot.
The Festival involves the participation of all parishes of the municipality since 1950. As a collective act, the festival is today carried out by the inhabitants of the municipality and its commuters and regulars, the descendants who migrated to other parts of the region, the country or abroad who return during the festive period and temporarily reconstitute the group of residents and families.
For the 2023 festivity we were invited by the Festival Central Commission to create this year identity with the support of Homem Bala studio, who have created the illustrations and the comercial spot.